
Monday, June 16, 2014

World Cup and other inconveniences

I am in the privileged if not slightly annoying (to others) position of being able to support a number of countries in this world cup.

I reserve the right to claim which ever country (of my multi origin background) suits at any particular time.

There is my country first....I was born here and I am a proud citizen. We aren't the best at football but we punch above our weight..

Then I have Dutch, Belgium and English Heritage...(amongst a few others that dont play football)

With that mix I should have been a better footballer but I do alright running around on the weekends with an increasingly older cohort if people trying to hold on to whats left of our youth.

My son goes ok at football. Is it too young (8 years old) to expect my son to be proficient at tiki taka, juggling and be able to run for 45 minutes...

I really need a parenting handbook. I dont want him growing up as neurotic as me..


Shipping markets - ok there is no two ways about it. markets are CRAP! After early 2014 positivity the entire market has shat itself along with the collective morale of anyone long on ships!

We are seeing lots of manoeuvres amongst those with too much tonnage. The wise head owners are looking at accepting / re negotiating freight rates DOWN. If not the expose themselves to counter party bankruptcies especially if the doldrums set in once again...

Did i just say 'bankruptsies'? Shit I thought we were past that...

Stay positive people!!!!

Oh - Im picking Belgium to raise the cup in 6 weeks time...