
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Time charter equivalent

Hi All - sorry for my Slackness - been on a family vacation. Lots of sun, surf and seafood....

For all those who have sent me messages I am wading through those now. Expect a reply soon

otherwise here is a good post from a reader

Excellent blog - will definitely get the ebooks - in the meantime, can you define clarify the terms "Worldscale" and "Time Charter Equivalent" and how shipping companies derive/arrive at these figures when they report their financial results.....?

Hi - Worldscale is a tanker ship term. Not my gig! Basically its a way of pricing the ships. Time charter equivalent refers to price of a ship on a daily basis. So if a ship charged say 50 bucks per metric tonne to carry 50,000 mt of coal - that will have some kind of time charter equivalent - whihc means an equivalent daily rate which could be for example USD 10,000 per day.

There is no way you can figure out if the Time charter equivalent rates are kosher without knowing how to do a voyage calculation and without having all the cargo and ship details. So bottom line is you need to accept what the reports are telling you.

Hope this helps - and yes do buy my books! Keeps my children in food and clothing for another week.


Update - check out my voyage estimation Tutorial - the best in the business for explaining these concepts

Click here